Integrated Camera and SW to transfer the image to your PC or mobile phone.

The built in microphone can transfer all sound to your PC or mobile.

The text to speech engine allows you to speak any text in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian.

The robot can do a lot of movements like walking and standing up by itself. It uses 17 standard RC-Servos.

Acceleration & Gyroscope Sensor
The robot position can be sensed by the integrated 6 axis acceleration and gyroscope sensor.

WLAN Control
Easy control of the robot with your PC or mobile phone through your local WLAN network.

Easy Movement Programming
A software for your PC can be downloaded for free. It can calibrate the robot and create movements with slide bars for each servo.
Servo Control Board
The servo control board features up to 22 servos. The layout can be downloaded for free and ordered at a cheap PCB supplier.

Raspberry Pi
A Raspberry Pi 3 is used as computer, this ensures good support due to a big community. (Pi2 partly working)

Robot Operating System
The SW on the robot is written in C and uses ROS (Robot Operating System)

Special designed 3D parts for print on your own printer or at the internet in any color you like.

Running on Battery
The battery supplies the servos directly with 6.6V. A voltage regulator on the servo control board regulates the voltage to 5V and supplies the raspberry pi.

Ask your questions in the “Support” section or by writing a comment. I usually write back within 1-2 days.

Robust Aluminium Sceleton

Known Issues
Three items can be improved, however this results in higher cost:
– Add servos for leg rotation to allow walking a curve, currently GeRo can only walk straight
– Servomotors with better accuracy/protection
– Using servomotors with sensors and bus system